How to Clean a Kendra Scott Necklace

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In a world where accessories make a statement, Kendra Scott necklaces are a popular choice for those who want to add a touch of elegance to their everyday look. These exquisite pieces come in various designs and materials, making them a versatile addition to any jewelry collection. However, with regular wear, Kendra Scott necklaces can lose luster over time.

Knowing how to clean and care for your Kendra Scott necklace properly is essential to keep your jewelry shining and bright. This guide will help you through the steps to ensure your necklace remains a sparkling and cherished accessory.


Why Cleaning Your Kendra Scott Necklace is Important?

Your Kendra Scott necklace is more than just an accessory; it’s a piece of art that deserves proper care and attention. Regular cleaning helps maintain its shine, prolongs its lifespan, and ensures it continues to dazzle on any occasion.

Gathering Your Cleaning Supplies:

What You’ll Need:

Before you embark on your necklace-cleaning journey, gather the following supplies:

A soft, lint-free cloth

Mild soap or jewelry cleaner

Warm water

A toothbrush with soft bristles

A jewelry-polishing cloth

Optional: a bowl for soaking

Cleaning Instructions:

Cleaning Steps for Different Necklace Materials

The cleaning process may vary depending on the material of your Kendra Scott necklace. Here’s how to clean various types:

For Gold- or Silver-Plated Necklaces:

Take away a few drops of mild soap to a bowl with warm water.

Gently immerse the necklace and let it soak for a few minutes.

Use a soft toothbrush to clean intricate details and crevices.

Rinse the necklace under warm running water.

Pat, it dries with a clean, lint-free cloth.

Use a jewelry polishing cloth to add extra shine.

For Gemstone Necklaces:

Avoid soaking gemstone necklaces.

Use a soft cloth to wipe off any dirt or residue.

For stubborn grime, use a toothbrush with soft bristles.

Ensure the gemstones are completely dry before storing them.

For Beaded Necklaces:

Gently wipe the beads with a soft, damp cloth.

Avoid submerging beaded necklaces in water, as it may weaken the string.

Allow the beads to air dry completely.

Caring for Special Features:

Handling Gemstones and Other Decorations

Kendra Scott necklaces often feature intricate designs and gemstone accents. To maintain these unique features:

Avoid exposing your necklace to harsh chemicals, such as perfumes and hairsprays.

Store your necklace separately from other jewelry to prevent scratching.

Preventing Tarnish and Damage:

Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Your Necklace

To keep your Kendra Scott necklace looking pristine for years to come, follow these preventive measures:

Remove your necklace before swimming or showering.

Store your necklace in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Clean your necklace regularly to prevent tarnishing.

Storing Your Kendra Scott Necklace:

The Right Way to Store Your Jewelry

Proper storage can significantly impact the longevity of your necklace. Here’s how to store it correctly:

Use a jewelry box or pouch to prevent dust and scratches.

Keep necklaces hanging or laid flat to avoid tangling.

Store necklaces separately to prevent metal-on-metal contact.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

Pitfalls in Jewelry Cleaning

While cleaning your Kendra Scott necklace, be cautious to avoid these common mistakes:

Use abrasive materials that can scratch the metal or gemstones.

Neglecting to rinse thoroughly, leaving soap residue on the necklace.

Excessive soaking can weaken the necklace’s structure.

Frequency of Cleaning:

How Often Should You Clean Your Necklace?

The frequency of cleaning depends on how often you wear your Kendra Scott necklace. Generally, a monthly cleaning is sufficient for regular wear, while special occasions may require immediate attention.

DIY Cleaning Solutions:

Homemade Recipes for Safe Cleaning

If you prefer DIY solutions, here are some recipes for safe and effective cleaning:

Mix hot or warm water with a few drops of mild dish soap for gold-plated necklaces.

For silver-plated necklaces, Create a paste with baking soda and water.

For gemstone necklaces, Use a mixture of water and a few drops of gentle baby shampoo.

Professional Cleaning Services:

When to Seek Professional Help?

If your Kendra Scott necklace requires extensive cleaning, restoration, or repair, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. Professional jewelers have the expertise and tools to handle delicate jewelry with care.


Cleaning your Kendra Scott necklace is simple yet crucial to ensure its longevity and brilliance. By following the proper cleaning and care instructions, you can continue to enjoy the elegance and charm of your necklace for years to come.

Don’t let your beloved Kendra Scott necklace lose its shine; give it the care it deserves. And remember, a well-maintained necklace is a timeless accessory that can elevate any outfit.

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